AJF Information Center

Saturday, July 28, 2012

New Items, Foxes are in Jamaa (video version), Youtube channel, and Leaving

Hi jammers! Now, I haven't posted for the last few days. I am not interested in Animal Jam as much. I am more interested in the upcoming console created and still under creation, the Wii U, and the Wii title also developed buy Nintendo, Super Smash Bros. Brawl (I have every character and stage in the game :P). But, here are the items I have missed.

                                          At the Conservation/Animal Museum:

                                                  At Epic Wonders:
                                                            At Bahari Bargains:

At Sunken Treasures:

Here is the new update (video version).
I also have a you tube channel, I will be making videos! Here is the link.
bigcatsfoever's Youtube Channel!

As you see in the title, it says I'm leaving. Don't worry though. I'm not leaving forever, I'm leaving on vacation for about two weeks, I will have to miss the new update since I cant post, or go on Animal Jam. I also can't post videos on my youtube channel because of no access to a computer. If someone will be so kind, can ssomeone send me the next to Rare Mondays? I won't be back until July 7th, 2012 which is on a Tuesday. Please, be so kind to send me the next two Rare Mondays. I am leaving tomorrow so I won't be able to post. That's it for now, bye!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Knight Armor

Hi jammers! Will this item be the end to the knight collection or will there be a Tail item or a leg item?

                                                       At Jam Mart Clothing:
Steel... Pure steel.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Fox Topiary!

Hi jammers! Sorry for the late post, I think I'm alergic to a cereal called Captn' Crunch because my gums are swollen. :l

                                                 At the Conservation/Animal Museum:
How cute. See you later and I will try to post earlier tomorrow.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Rare Epic Dragon Mask!

Hi jammers! If it has the word "Epic" in the name, do you think it would be epic? Well you tell me!

                                                            At Jam Mart Clothing:
Comment what you think about his item and if it's Epic, or not!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Golden Wings!

Hi jammers! If you know, my posts may be a little late. Only one computer works with blogger and I like to sleep in. :3

                                                At Epic Wonders:
It looks very golden... I just want to hug it... I wonder if it has chocolate inside! :D

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Cute Fox Item and Kite

Hi jammers! I love this item!

                                               At the Conservation/Animal Museum:
Isn't it cute? I still like the Tiger Banner more, I would say, this is my third favorite banner, other than the Cat Banner released in 2011 and the Tiger Banner!

                                               At the Summer Carnival:
I guess AJ wants to prove you can wear anything these days.

Sorry for the late post, all my computers are not working very well and I finally got to post.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Items and Channel!

Hi jammers! There are to new items, one of them is weird... I thought we fixed the problem.

                                                                           At Jam Mart Clothing:
It's even for non-members!

                                                       At the Mystery Emporium:
I guess when a new animal comes, they name a statue.
I also have a youtube channel! Obviously I make Animal Jam Videos! Here is the link!
Bigcatsfoever's Youtube Channel
Have a pawsome day jammers!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Random Dance Party!

Me and my good friend Omnipotence hosted a mini dance party randomly! It is fun! Here is a picture!
Try hosting a little party with your friends!

Foxes are in Jamaa!

Hi jammers, Foxes are finally in Jamaa! Let's look at the Jamaa Journal for the news!
Yes, Foxes are finally in Jamaa and they are adorable! Here is my Fox, Little Fastjoy!
Here are some Fox related things.
Credit to snowyclaw for this picture.

There seems to be a new feature with foxes, you know when you want to change you animals clothes and color, well on foxes, they look 3-D! It also works if you open someones player card and loook at there fox. Here is proof.
See? Anyways, moving on with the rest of the Jamaa Journal.
Aww, I want turtles to come this week, oh well. Now you can create your own artwork!
I made that myself! :D I know it's nothing much though
The Den Depot sadly replaced Coral Corners. :( The Den Depot sells dens! There is a new settings page. Just click the Metal Gear on the Top Right!
I think the 999 days remaining is definatly a glitch. I hope it isn't though...
OMG! WE CAN ACTUALLY BRING MONKEYS BACK TO JAMAA! We already donated 50 million gems, if we go up to 100 million gems, AJ will bring monkeys back to Jamaa!
Mr. Samurai Penguin is back. :l
Time for the items!

At Jam Mart Furniture:
A cute little Mailbox for non-members, and members!
At the Sol Arcade:

                                                          At the Summer Carnival:

All the other plushies (including Freedom Plushies) are on sale! Get them while they don't cost to much!

                                                          At The Mystery Emporium:
The finally named the horse statue! That's it for now!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Foxes Come Out Tomorrow!

Hi jammers! Sorry for the late post. Anyways, here is today's item!
Very colorful.

Anyways, FOXES COME OUT TOMORROW! That's right, the long awaited Foxes are coming out tomorrow in Jamaa!
There are no Clearance items so don't worry about buying items! I wonder why there are no Clearance items though...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I'm back! Here are the items!

Hi jammers! I just got back from my vacation. It was fun, except it rained... a lot.... Anyways here are the new items!

                                                     Monday's Rare Monday:

Credit to Lovelost for this picture.

At Sunken Treasures:

I like the Rare Rhino Helmet the best. Which one do you like?

Thank you to TheSafari07 for sending me a Rare Rhino Helmet!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

A Request

Hi jammers, can you do a little request for me? I won't be here for Monday so can you send me Mondays Rare? Thanks!


Hi jammers, today's item is for the summer fun, Sandals!

                                                          At Jam Mart Clothing:
They look pretty big... Oh, and I am leaving so I won't be able to post for two or three days.

Friday, July 13, 2012

TheSafari07 Wins The Contest!

Hi jammers! If you didn't know, pool54321 is my younger brother. He told me that he forfeits the contest, although, TheSafri07 already entered their comment and got everything right so technically, they won fair.
I'll send you the items right away!