AJF Information Center

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Snow Leopards

Hi jammers, new animal Snow Leopards!
Sadly though...
They are available at Taget in the U.S.A. I met a nice one today!
Her username shall remain unknown for privacy! Thanks and bye!

Monday, November 26, 2012

My birthday!

Hey jammers! My birthday is on December 3rd, I know I haven't posted in a long time and I might shut down the blog. But after my birthday. I am going to have a party!

Where: My den!
Time: 3:00 P.M. EST Sunday December 2nd
What do you have to bring: Nothing except yourselves, you can bring a gift if you want, but it is not mandatory.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Snowman mask

Hey guysh it's Magic here! Just wanted to let you guys know that the Monday rare is the snowman mask. Also I can't put up pictures yet cuz I'm on my phone but I will later if you want to see picture now go to www.theanimaljamjoy.blogspot.com thanks and keep on Jammin :)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Results Are In!

Hi jammers, we are at 30,000 views! Unbelievable! So, earlier, you jammers voted if I should merge this blog with a Chicken Smoothie blog. Well the results are in, the winner with five points, beating the other choice by 2 points. Keeping spereate blogs for each site wins! So everyone, I am NOT, I repeat, NOT merging this blog with a chicken smoothie blog. Although I do have one. So here is the link!
Chcken Smoothie FoeverPlease visit this blog and the Chicken Smoothie one!

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Ok so I changed my blog lol


Pilgrim hat

Hey Jammers! That's right today's item is the pilgrim hat. If you would like to see pictures visit my blog! www.storiesandsecretsofanimaljam.blogspot.com thanks have a pawsome day

Thursday, November 15, 2012

New Author!! Yay!!

Hey Jammers! MagicDream here! Yuppers I'm the new AJF author. Big cats is really busy with his life right now so I'm going to help him out! If you want to learn more about myself please visit my blog at www.storiesandsecretsofanimaljam.blogspot.com 
thanks and have a pawsome day!! =D


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Hi Everybody

Hi jammers, I know I haven't been posting alot, well, it's because I am busy. I have school, soccer ect. I would post, but I just don't have the time to do it alot. I am also pretty addicted to this site callled Chicken Smoothie. you can find me alot on there but I am a COPPA user, so I can't post on any of the forums, except Oekaki. But please, I appreciate trades on there, in fact, I have the perfect idea. You guys can vote.

- Animal Jam Fire gets merged as a Chicken Smoothie and Animal Jam site.(3 votes)

- I have a seperate Chicken Smoothie site and keep Animal Jam Fire as it is.(5 votes)

It's your choice, note that you can only vote once. But please comment, and when we reach to 30,000 views, I'll try to post on here more often. Please comment!