AJF Information Center

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Monkeys Return!

Hi everyone! Yes monkeys returned to Jamaa! Lets check out the Jamaa Journal for more news.
 Monkeys are back, and for non-members!
 There is a Monkeys Only Party, (I'll post about it hopefully tomorrow) Monkey Pets are going to be the Monthly Gift of September!
 Brady Barr has new Monkey Videos in his lab. And we have a new Shop in Jamaa!
This is Treetops Gardens! I'm thinking the old plants from Coral Corner are going to return here, and some other Beta plants! Here is currently what they sell.

Well, Tiny Trees were a Beta Plant and they returned with some new plants!
The Summer Carnival is closing down the next update, but there is a quick way to earn tickets, there is a new store!
A Ticket Center, here is what they sell!
The prices to buy them are half of the tickets you can get! I'm going to try and get a Kite!
The are still sorting through the Den Contest, and theer is a new Costume Corner!
Last but not least, Long Shot is Double Gems!
That's it, bye!


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