AJF Information Center

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Guess Who's Back With The New Update?

Hi jammers! Yes I have returned, but PLEASE, PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE, note these two things. :3 Do NOT send buddy requests to me, I only buddy people I trust. :3 Also, I may not post everyday, I am very busy! But what the heck, enough of the boring rules nobody ever listens to, here is the Jamaa Journal!
 Yupperz, Arctic Wolves!

 Hello world, it seems like now EVERYONE knows how to get these. Well at least everyone who reads the Jamaa Journal...
 Yes, Night of the Phantoms is coming to an end. It seems like it was just yesterday, the celebration started... Also, SEA TURTLES ARE GOING TO BE FOR NON- MEMBERS! Ok, maybe it is not that big of a deal, but it is the first pure underwater non-member animal, unlike the seal and penguing, which were land and water.
 Yes, a new game for DOLPHINS! WOHOO! Yeah, nope sadly, it is ONLY for members, it is pretty similar to Jamaa Derby, here is a guide.
 Go through the rings! If you go into them three times, you will get a boost!
Make sure no to hit the obstacles!
Shaman stories!
Check out the Daily Explorer to see the story about Liza!
Here are the items!

At Sunken Treasures:
Scary Barrel Sponge
At Bahari Bargains:
Nessie Mask (left) Skeleton Necklace (right)
At Jam Mart Clothing:
Yeti Mask (left) Monster Teeth (right)
Well, thats it today, bye everybody!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Arctic Wolves!

Yes jammers! There are new Arctic Wolves, but you can't find them like the others, you need a gift card, explore around Jamaa!

Monday, October 8, 2012


Hi jammers, sorry I haven't been posting, I am not interested in AJ anymore because Pokemon Black 2 came out! So here are the items I missed.

The Cocoa Hut:
At the Sol Arcade:
At Bahari Bargains:
At Jam Mart Clothing:
Those are the items! Am I missing any? If I am missing any, please go through the posts on this blog for this month if I did. If i did, please inform me.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

World Animal Day!

Hi jammers! Really sorry I didn't post yesterday, school is the first priority, here are the new items for today!
At Jam Mart Clothing:
At Jam Mart Furniture:
At Treetops Gardens:
At Epic Wonders Blue Orb:
At Bahari Bargains:
Those are all the items! Bye!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Bunch Of New Items and Monthly Gift!

Hi everyone, a bunch of stuff came out!
Here is the mini update Jamaa Journal:

The October Monthly Gift is a pet Tarantula! Here is mine!
Here are the items!
At Jam Mart Clothing:
At Jam Mart Furniture:
Comment if I missed anything!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Halloween Is Coming!

Hi jammers! The Day Of The Phantoms are coming! AJHQ is already getting ready for the celebration already!
At jam Mart Clothing:
At Jam Mart Furniture:
At the Cocoa Hut:
That is it! A lot of items for just one day!