AJF Information Center

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Arctic Wolves!

Yes jammers! There are new Arctic Wolves, but you can't find them like the others, you need a gift card, explore around Jamaa!


  1. Is that your arctic wolf? If yes, please tell me how did you get it!

  2. Blech. If they're from Wal-Mart, there's no WalMart in my area... .-.

  3. Lol Piplup131415 the Cryptozoologist XD

  4. D: Bigcats!! U said you loved AJ now Ur being a little little... BARNACLE!! Im sorry to sound rude and bad languaded but chur being a barnacle! ~ur Old friend pawesome~

    1. PLUS, I could also move on with my life, you can't control me. I may like other things, like Poekmon Black 2.

  5. I got black 2. If you have the first games of black and white we could have a wifi battle in the union room!

  6. p-pawesome Who thought I had a friendOct 24, 2012, 1:14:00 AM

    Im just saying U haven't been posting It makes me sad ur like the best :C Sorry again Also If u dont remeber pawesome me U have an imposter on may's chat C: ~Pawesome~

    1. I have other interests and I need to focus on school, blogging takes up my time, sorry.

  7. Thats alright, Im obsessed with AJ now Im gonna quit maybe cuz I cant focus in school and I have other intrests Like .... pokemon black diamond pearl and white I completed all The champion league's on those C: Plz plz plzzzz friend me Meh user's darkchild

  8. Hi bigcats BOO!!!!!!!
    its me of course frost u mom said we going trick or treating together right? what r u for halloween anyways?? Hi again


  9. hi bigcats! i love this blog just wanted to say.
    And i like cats too!


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