AJF Information Center

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Scammer Alert! Whyme1

Hi jammers! Someone tried scamming me today, but I didn't fall for it, here is proof!
It may be a girl, but I'm pretty sure it's a boy.
Here is his username.

Bamboo Again!

Hi jammers! Yesterday we had the Bamboo Plant, now we have a Bamboo Fence! Don't believe me? Here's proof!
At Jam Mart furniture:

It's non-member, yay non-members!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Items I missed!

Hi jammers! Sorry I didn't post, I thought about quitting, but I changed my mind, so here are the items!

At Treetops Gardens:
At Jam Mart Furniture:
At Jam Mart Clothing:
That's it, bye jammers!

-bigcatsfoever (blogger is acting up for me)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Mushroom Hut!

Hi everyone! So sorry for a late post! Anyways!
Here is the Jamaa Journal!
                                                                         Visit my den to see a Mushroom Hut!

 To be correct, 3 days left, hurry up! The BIRTHDAYBASH code is still working, so hurry up and get your cakes!
 Good luck to everyone on the contest! Don't forget to do the paintings too!
 Yup, pictures to print and color in Dr. Brady Barr's Lab, located in the Lost Temple Of Zios! Also, new T-Shirts!
They added a News Crew Plaque! 4 more plaques for me to achieve!

Here are the items!
At Jam Mart Clothing:
At Jam Mart Furniture:
That's it!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Passion Flowers!

A beautiful Item came out today!
At Treetop Gardens:
Beautiful Arc! Don't forget to buy the Summer Carnival items, they are on Clearance! Don't forget tomorrow's the update!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Barrel Spongies!

Hi jammers! Sorry I was late! I was very tired this morning.
At Sunken Treasures:
Nothing much...

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Anti Scam Club!

The Anti Scam Club is a group of bloggers that want to stop scamming and help others! Their blogs are very informational about Animal Jam! To join the Anti Scam Club, you must have a decent blog with correct grammar! Example, it can't be like this: hai evry1 todays item is at the coco hut  lol look at this funny picture its so funny. It must be like this! Hiya jammers! Today's new item is at the Cocoa Hut! Also, look at this funny picture I found! Here is our main blog... The anti scammer club!
So Team Members so far are:
bigcatsfoever with Animal Jam Fire
TheSafari07 with The Animal Jam CRAZY!!
pool54321 with Pool54321's Animal Jam insiders

Fill Out form:
This form is if you want to join.

Blog's Name:
URL Of your blog:
Interesting facts about your blog:
Will you post once a week:
Will you inform the creators of The Anti Scam Club (bigcatsfoever and TheSafari07) if you quit your blog:

One of the creators will look at your blog and inform the other one if they are in. We will also be looking around to invite people into the community! Thanks for participating and enjoy our blogs! :)

The REAL Rare Arctic Hood

Ok jammers. Last week, the mixed up the Rare Arctic Hood for the Rare Arctic Coat. Well, today the REAL Rare Arctic Hood is in stores.
At the Cocoa Hut:
I another thing, my good friend Kinyonga was hacked by a hacker. They changed her password and everything! Please be careful everyone!  Lastly, I haven't been getting any comments lately.. I love seeing comments! How about I post first everyday asking a question, or explaining more detail on something?

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Palm Trees!

Hi jammers! Now, everyone knows Tropical Paradises usually have Palm Trees, right? Well the Baby Palm Tree has returned!
At Treetops Gardens:
That's all for today! Now admire a Baby Palm tree in your own den!

Saturday, September 22, 2012


Hi jammers! Everyone likes flowers right?
At Jam Mart Clothing:
Flower Glasses returned! I remember when these came out. Good time, good times.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Zios Minions!

Hi jammers! Do you remember Zios, the Sky Father of Jamaa? Well, people are turning into his minions! How you say? With this new Mask from Epic Wonders!
Ok, you won't really become is minion, but you can pretend you are! Also, AJHQ released another News Crew Assignment!
Sadly not everyone is a good citizen, nut some people are! Good luck to everyone that enters!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Claw Of The Lobsters?

Hi jammers! Tell me, does this plant LOOK like a Lobster's Claw?
At Treetops Gardens:
It doesn't to me, but those pink flowers are pretty!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New T-Shirts!

Hi jammers! There is a "mini" update just now!
 New T-Shirts!
Monkey Pets, :3.

Bubble Emitter

Hi everyone! Do you like bubbles? 'Cause I know I do!
Sunken Treasures:
What does this item do? To tell you the truth, I have no idea. That's it today! Bye jammers!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Hi everyone! Prickly, prickles.... :3
At Treetops Gardens:
That's it..., sorry this post is short, I am sick, so yeah. Bye jammers!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Rare Arctic Coats, Or Hoods?

Hi jammers, I am so sorry, I forgot to post that I was on vacation!So, sorry! Here are the items I missed!
Jam Mart Clothing:

Sunken Treasures:

And today's Rare Item Monday is at the Cocoa Hut:
Although, earlier today, AJHQ made a mistake on their blog.

(Credit to snowyclaw for the picture)
They already fixed it.
That's it! I am going to make an artwork page, so look forward to other jammers' art!