AJF Information Center

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Anti Scam Club!

The Anti Scam Club is a group of bloggers that want to stop scamming and help others! Their blogs are very informational about Animal Jam! To join the Anti Scam Club, you must have a decent blog with correct grammar! Example, it can't be like this: hai evry1 todays item is at the coco hut  lol look at this funny picture its so funny. It must be like this! Hiya jammers! Today's new item is at the Cocoa Hut! Also, look at this funny picture I found! Here is our main blog... The anti scammer club!
So Team Members so far are:
bigcatsfoever with Animal Jam Fire
TheSafari07 with The Animal Jam CRAZY!!
pool54321 with Pool54321's Animal Jam insiders

Fill Out form:
This form is if you want to join.

Blog's Name:
URL Of your blog:
Interesting facts about your blog:
Will you post once a week:
Will you inform the creators of The Anti Scam Club (bigcatsfoever and TheSafari07) if you quit your blog:

One of the creators will look at your blog and inform the other one if they are in. We will also be looking around to invite people into the community! Thanks for participating and enjoy our blogs! :)


  1. Fill out the form on the comment box for this page!

  2. I just made a blog for the anti scam club! I will make you a author/admin for it! Just tell me your email address so i can invite you!

    1. Ok I'd love to be in it! D'you need my email? animaljamtimes@yahoo.co.uk.
      Unless you need my gmail one: kinyongasanimaljamtimes@gmai.com
      Preferably the yahoo one!


      P.S I'm having trouble logging in on Vinyonga

  3. Cool idea. I used to have a no-scammers group called "The Anti-Scammers" it was more around January though when I did anything with it.... Just beware of cricket88....

  4. Here is the blogs link so you can see it!



  5. Username: Kinyonga/Vinyonga/Siliseal :/
    Blog's Name: Animal Jam Times
    URL Of your blog: kinyongasanimaljamtimes.blogspot.com
    Interesting facts about your blog: I post daily items, updates, glitches and try and make it fun!
    Will you post once a week: Yes.
    Will you inform the creators of The Anti Scam Club (bigcatsfoever and TheSafari07) if you quit your blog: Yes.


  6. Hello, everyjammer!
    I’m just sharing my videos, and I’d like you to advertise them, too!
    Here are my videos:
    If you’d like to check out my Channel which is filled with Animal Jam’s awesome birthday and posts about new items, here’s the link: http://www.youtube.com/user/Lugialors?feature=mhee
    All you have to do is copy then paste!
    - iPod4276

  7. Hiya Bigcats! This is me, Jammer31436. Im sorry, I hvn't been on alot cause just got back from moving. Kinda a long story so um. Just wanted to say hi and Congrats on everyone whom joins! I want to join but I don't have a blog. Hm, maybe a 'Anti Scammers AJ group'? Hope tha's an idea cause Im too lazy to make a blog :p O.O this is a reeally long comment, I should stop talking right about....

    Now. Bye peeps Of AJ!

  8. macaroni, Mac-Macaroni-roni hehe>:3

  9. Hi guys. im getting a blog soon called the aj extreme but i tried making 1 and it doesnt let me! what do i do? and my blog would go like this Hi jammers! this is the item of the hot cocoa hut isn't it cute? hehe bye!! my user is darkchild my email is itsmee@hotmail.com and my blog would be the aj extreme@blogspot.co.nz =) and i would try post everyday at like 8:00am

  10. i would like to join my blog would be called the aj extreme and my user is darkchild my email is itsmee@hotmail.com and i would try post everyday (thats fact) and bye!!

  11. Username: 4440529
    Blog's Name: Animal Jam Daily News
    URL Of your blog: ajdailynews.blogspot.com
    Interesting facts about your blog:?
    Will you post once a week:Yes
    Will you inform the creators of The Anti Scam Club (bigcatsfoever and TheSafari07) if you quit your blog:Yes


Hello! Share ideas, compliment on our posts, or ask questions. Or do anything as long as you follow these rules.
1. No swearing
2. No rude comments about our posts
3. No rude comments about the authors
4. No rude comments about animals
5 No rude comments about ice cream
6. No hate comments
7. No blackmailing
8. No innapropriate comments, please
Thanks for following the rules and have a jamtastic time!